Lance Valentine


Water Color & Clarity - Coffee Hour Plus

There are certain factors that affect fishing decisions every day and at the top of that list is water color and clarity.

Lance Valentine


Understanding the Fishing Year Calendar

Like many anglers in my age range, I learned my fishing foundation through the IN-Fisherman network.

Lance Valentine


Catching more Walleye in Dirty Water

Ever tried to catch walleye in dirty water you know what a challenge it can be.


Lance Valentine


Spring Cleaning for Fishing Success

Well, spring is getting ready to make it’s first appearance here in the North very shortly, and NOW is the time

Ali Shakoor


Rethinking Detroit River Eels

Sometimes as fishermen, we use lures or colors that resemble absolutely nothing in nature.

Lance Valentine


Winter prep for Spring Success

Winter! We are now smack dab in the middle of it and spring looks so far away

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